Expert in suspension of marine and sweetwater outboard motors
Any kind of hull equipped with an outboard motor, whether it is a fishing boat or a small or large boat, its gliding and driving characteristics under the given load conditions obviously depend on the well-sized power of the outboard motor and the position of the actual motor: mainly from the ideal height of the drive, and partly from the transom depends on distance, appropriate trim angle of the drive, and proper sizing of the propeller.
These parameters actually trigger mutually dependent effects on the boat’s operation, thereby directly affecting the optimal progress, maximum speed and the consumption of our engine!
By installing VANCE JackPlate products, we can ensure fine-tuning, making sure you find the best setting for your boat, both in terms of engine height, proper trim, and propeller sizing!
To understand the VANCE manual or hydraulic JackPlate and KickUp Plates product’s operation better, please look at these animations:
The optimal operation and movement of a medium-sized (450cm-650cm) boat with a properly selected performance outboard engine, adequate lifting/gliding properties, maximum top speed, and optimal engine consumption, -of course, with the weight transported (persons + equipment )- , are mainly defined by three main things.
The best holeshot, and optimal flying depends on:
- Actual depth of gearbox, propeller drive, so the exact propulsion, ie precise adjustment of engine height!
- Geometry of the propeller used on the engine (size, pitch, and number of leaves)!
- Choosing and using the right trim angle when starting or travelling!
- A meghajtás, propulzió tényleges mélysége, azaz a motormagasság pontos beállítása!
- A motoron használt propeller geometriája (mérete, hossza, és a levelek száma)!
- A megfelelő trimm-szög megválasztása, használata az elindulás során, vagy a haladás közben!
The outboard, operated at the optimum engine height, delivers its performance as efficiently as possible, as the drag effect on the gearbox is balanced at this height by the drive, ie the power, thrust and efficiency of a well-sized propeller!
- If the motor operates too deep, energy loss will occur due to the fluid resistance which causes performance problems
- The ventilation plate is under water, which means unnecessary braking and even splashing, spraying
- If it is too high, the impleller doesn’t push enough water to engine cooling system, causing overheating, and the propeller may ventilate, loosing throttle, performance because of underloaded propeller leave operation on the top (sounding, cavitating sound)
- Ha túl mélyen üzemel a motor a közegellenállás miatt energia veszteség jelentkezik!
- A ventillációs lap víz alatt van, ami felesleges fékező hatás és akár fröcskölést jelent!
- Ha túl magasan van akkor pedig nem lesz megfelelő a vízhűtés, és kanyarodás közben levegőt szívhat a propeller, ventillálni kezd! (habaró, kavitáló hang)
The engine, operated at the ideal, precise engine height, is almost automatically set to the right trim angle during a perfect (ideal) glide/fly because the gear angle gives the highest power at the ideal trim angle position, where the drive thrust vector achieves the perfect horizontal position!
- In the case of a poor trim position, the position of the hull on the water is not correct, so that the balance of perfect buoyancy/flying is not achieved.
- The propeller ideally delivers power most efficiently in a horizontal position, in a state where the direction of propulsion is exactly parallel to the water surface, with each leaf operating at the same pitch angle at each rotation angle. This condition is clearly the result of the exact engine height!
- The oblique, non-horizontal propeller is overloaded at the bottom and catches little water at the top (underloaded, or vice versa depending on the trim position) i.e. the force vectors are asymmetrical, which is harmful and means a very serious loss of power!
- Rossz trim-állás esetén a hajó fekvése nem megfelelő, ezáltal a tökéletes felhajtóerő-haladás egyensúlya nem valósul meg.
- A propeller ideális esetben a vízszintes állásban adja le a leghatékonyabban a teljesítményt, abban az állapotban, amikor a meghajtás iránya pontosan párhuzamos a vízfelszínnel, amikor minden levél minden forgás szögben ugyanazon a pitch szögön működik. Ez az állapot egyértelműen a pontos motormagasság eredménye!
- A ferdén, nem vízszintesen üzemelő propeller alul túlterhelt, felül meg kevés vizet fog, (vagy fordítva a trim-állástól függően) azaz aszimmetrikusak az erővektorok, ami káros és nagyon komoly teljesítményveszteséget jelent!
A well-sized and horizontally operated propeller will drive our engine into the highest speed range (6000-6300Rpm)
- In fact, in this state we experience exactly what size propeller is the best choice for our particular hull, on the optimal engine height, the given power of the engine!
- So, after all, the optimum engine height will show the perfect trim position, and at this trim angle, a well-sized propeller will deliver maximum engine power for the most efficient travel!
- A jól méretezett, és vízszintesen működő propeller fogja a motorunkat a legfelsőbb fordulatszámtartományba kivezérelni (6000-6300Rpm)
- Valójában ebben az állapotban tapasztaljuk meg egész pontosan, hogy az adott hajótesten, az optimális motormagasságon, az adott teljesítményű motoron, egészen pontosan milyen méretű propeller a legjobb választás!
- Tehát, végül is az optimális motormagasság fogja a tökéletes trim-állást megmutatni, és ezen a trim-szögön fogja a jól méretezett propeller a motorunk maximális teljesítményét a leghatékonyabb haladás érdekében leadni.
Bővebb információ:
Installing a properly sized JackPlate on a fishing boat eliminates any problems that result from our outboard engine obscuring or falling into the line of our side-view sonar, meaning we usually experience poorer sonar images on the portside. The perfect sonar image depends on many parameters, but a masking engine gearbox and that’s why the need of continuous trimming up the engine will make the sonar experience worse in all respects, a problem that can only be solved by mounting the motor backwards, ie installing a Vance JackPlate of the right setback!
A Vance jackplate setback allows the transom mounted side scan transducers to ”view “away between the transom and the gearbox without any coverage.
So all the parameters that are the starting, the gliding of the hull, the nature of the gliding and in fact the final speed are essentially a function of the engine height chosen and set precisely, and thus the sum of the interactions.
With VANCE Manual or Hydraulic JackPlate products, we can set the millimeter precisely to the optimum engine height for the given load conditions, thus achieving the ideal, even perfect driving characteristics of our boat, eco-friendly progress, where the most beautiful, flattest tail wave in the meantime, we also ensure a reduction in fuel consumption and an improvement in engine life!
The most successful VANCE Manual JackPlate products
which in most cases provide the perfect solution for precise engine height adjustment
MINI JackPlate
JPL2412 5"
Up to 40HP outboard engine performance, with 4,99Kg weight and 12,70cm setback
The small JackPlate, developed for the narrow (not BIA standard!) hole spacing, exclusively for mounting, and hanging smaller tiller type clampered outboard engine designs!
MIDI JackPlate
JPL4000 5"
From 40HP, and Up to 150HP outboard engine performance, with 9,07Kg weight and general 12,70cm setback
Standard size, ideal weight, cost-effective „ economy” JackPlate from 30 horsepower, up to 150 horsepower performance, and up to 250kg outboard engines!
Basically, for the BIA standard hole profile-spacing, but it is also suitable for hanging larger, but still clampered motors with optional clamper plate fitted.